Aging Artfully




  • マイナス思考にとらわれてクヨクヨしないこと
  • 過去に起こったことに対して愚痴を言わないこと
  • 決して諦めないこと




I was inspired by a book about old female artists between ages 85-105. When I was listening to a podcast, I happened to hear the author’s interview about the book.

She decided to interview old female artists because she needed role models who enjoy their lives fully. Her first encounter was a piano player, age 100 years old. Lily was a small woman with discipline. She practiced the piano until three weeks before she died at the age of 107. She showed us that elderly people hold passions with them until the end of their lives.

These women who were interviewed in this book are not famous. They developed what they really wanted to do after they retired. The author said that the biggest lessons we get from this book are to not dwell on negative thoughts, not complain about what happened in the past, and never give up. It sounds platitude, but hearing them from these elderly women who enjoy their lives fully, it has a different meaning.

Our life span is increasing. Some of us will live up to a ripe old age if we are lucky enough. Declining physically and mentally is scary, but we have to adjust ourselves to it. It is encouraging that one of the women said, “If we follow our passions, we can live with vitality.”

I love this book because I felt the need of a female role model too. Life is tough especially when we try to follow what we really want to do. Their stories taught me it’s never too late to try anything. We can’t know what it’s like to be old until we reach that age. This book gave me a perspective of old women which will help me to reflect on myself from different views.

カテゴリー: 洋書 タグ: , パーマリンク

Aging Artfully への2件のフィードバック

  1. ひまわり のコメント:

     >「マイナス思考にとらわれてクヨクヨしないこと」 「過去に起こったことに対して愚痴を言わないこと」 「決して諦めないこと」-とても大切なことだと本当に思います。長生きのおじいちゃん・おばあちゃんたちって,本当に何にでも感謝しながら明るく笑って暮らしていますよね。あの笑顔の影には,戦争など本当に大変な時代を過ごしてきた苦労が隠されているのだと思います。

    • yukomillennium のコメント:

