
ロスアンゼルスのBarnes & Nobleに立ち寄ったところ、なんとなんと、大好きなJohn Greenのサイン本を発見!しかも、The Fault In Our Starsと、looking for alaskaの2冊。



表紙に Signed Copyというシールが貼ってあって、中にサインがしてありました。


ラッキーなことに、2冊とも最後のサイン本でした。どちらも電子書籍かオーディオブックで既に読んだのだけど、これは買わないわけにはいかないでしょう!大喜びでレジに持って行くと、店員さんに”Great books!” と声をかけられ、さらに嬉しかったです。


John Greenの他にも、ヤングアダルト本にはサイン本が何冊かありました。アメリカでは大きな書店にサイン本が何冊かずつ散らばっているのでしょうか。最近は電子書籍一辺倒だったのですが、本屋さんに足を運ぶきっかけになりそうです。


Turned Out to be the Luckiest Day Ever!

When I was in L.A, my colleagues and I planned to visit a farmer’s market. The adjacent shopping mall is popular; it seemed like a good plan. It turned out, however, that none of my friends could make it to the market because they were too tired from jetlag. I was exhausted, but I decided to go anyway after attending the conference. It was already 5 o’clock when I arrived at the farmer’s market. I soon regretted going there alone, as there didn’t seem to be a taxi stand around. In addition, the public transportation didn’t seem to be safe.

I went to Barnes & Noble anyway. Although almost all my books are digital nowadays, I love bookstores. There, I had a fateful encounter with two books, The Fault In Our Stars, and Looking for Alaska. It didn’t matter that I’ve already read these books; they were signed copies!!! What’s more, they were the last ones that were autographed!!! John Green is one of my favorite authors, and I enjoyed his YouTube videos as well as his books. I believe I must have used up all my luck at that moment, and I won’t regret it if there isn’t no luck left for the rest of my life.

I held them tight so that nobody could snatch them from me.Despite my determination to pay whatever price the clerk demanded of me, the books didn’t cost me extra. The clerk said “Great books!” when he handed me the books. I couldn’t be happier.

I was worried sick about how I should return to the hotel, but I managed to catch a taxi in a desolate street. It was my luckiest day, for I could get my favorite author’s signed books by sheer chance. I was grateful to my friends for not coming with me; otherwise, I wouldn’t have gone to the bookstore alone.

カテゴリー: 洋書 タグ: , パーマリンク

サイン本をゲット への1件のコメント

  1. ピンバック: 多読パンダ
