

A giant lobster liberated from a restaurant.

An interesting topic came up in a LingQ discussion last night. A giant lobster which whose age is estimated at 140 years old was had been displayed in a seafood restaurant in America. The lobster was caught in Canada  and sold for $100. He was named George and had been acting as a mascot  of the restaurant. He weighed weighs 20 pounds. His age was estimated by his weight as lobsters can grow a pound every seven to ten years.

Two customers noticed him at the restaurant and alerted an animal group  called PETA(People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals). PETA requested demanded the release of the lobster, and his daredevil adventure has finally ended.

I’ve  heard that the average life expectancy of lobster is 70 years old. To live up  to two times longer than the normal life-span must be a prodigious feat  for all the species.I was excited thrilled by his narrow escape. He would have been on the table if not for the rescue. I feel strongly that we should show respect for the old. He must will have a good yarn thrilling story to tell his friends as he added a marvelous adventure to his legendary life.


A giant lobster which whose age はwhoseかwhichか迷いました。人間がwhoseでロブスターだからwhichかと思ったんだけど。

それにしても恐ろしい写真!20poundのうち半分はハサミの重さでは。ハサミって食べられるのでしょうか? 140年もののロブスターが1万円で売ってたら買うか迷うな~。でもうちの鍋には入らない~。風呂で飼うか!?


カテゴリー: 英作文 パーマリンク

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