Star Trek

 Here comes news that shook my world! My beloved British actor, Benedict Cumberbatch, was cast in “Star Trek 2” as a villain!

  Of course he would be a villain, especially in an American movie. He has high cheekbones, has a British accent, and most of all, American people like to see British actor as wicked! 

  The problem is that I haven’t watched any of the grand epics that inspired so many people for more than 40 years. I couldn’t imagine how much effort I would have to put in until 2013 before the movie is released. More tentative than resolute, I looked it up in Wikipedia, and found the staggering fact that I have 701 drama episodes and 11 movies to go! 

  Recently, I’ve realized that I am a full time English learner, reader, and avid drama watcher, rather than a researcher in my free time. Now that I have a pressing deadline, I can waste no time. I’d better wrap up whatever I have been doing, and rush into the starship Enterprise to start a new mission: to explore strange new worlds! 


 好きな俳優さんが来年公開の映画、Star Trekに出演予定とのことで、Star Trekシリーズの予習をすることにしました。Wikiでシリーズを調べたら全部で700話くらい。(*_*) 仕事なんかしてる場合じゃないかも…。







カテゴリー: 海外ドラマ タグ: , パーマリンク

Star Trek への2件のフィードバック

  1. Stella のコメント:

    I have watched all those 701 episodes and the movies. I can assure you that it’s well worth the effort. Just go for it, even if the 60’s series seems a bit unintentionally funny or boring from time to time.

    • yuko のコメント:

      Thank you for your comment! I was wondering in what order should I watch these episodes, but decided to watch them from the beginning!  I hope they are as good as the last movie. 

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