

去年の夏、 The Shackという本を読んだところ、偶然にもホームステイ先の町が舞台でした。読み進めていくうちに段々と記憶が鮮明になり、居ても立ってもおられずFacebookで検索したんだけど、町とファーストネームだけでは探しだせませんでした。

ところが先月、いきなり苗字を思い出したのです。Facebookで検索したところ… いました! 私と同じ年だったホームステイ先の男の子!!! 金髪で相当かっこいい子だったと記憶しているのですが、プロフィール写真で見る彼は当然ながら年をとっており、髪もなぜか黒髪に。しかも生え際も後退している…。記憶とはだいぶ違うが、名前と出身地が一致。かなり小さな田舎町だったし、コンタクトリストにお父さんと妹の名前もあったので、彼に間違いないだろうと確信しました。



A home-stay experience in Oregon is the highlight of my junior high school memory. It was my first time to take a flight, and everything was foreign to me. I’d never talked to foreigners nor seen porcupines on the road. I was especially lucky to be hosted by a family of five, one of whom was the same age as me. They took me to various places to experience as much American culture in 25 days as possible. To my regret, it was my second year in learning English, and I couldn’t thank them enough with my poor English. The gratitude I had felt was genuine, but somehow, the strong feeling has faded over time, and I lost the contact information for them.

Ever since I started Facebook 2 years ago, I have been trying to find them on the website. The longing became stronger when I read The Shack which had its setting in Enterprise where I stayed the summer 20 years ago. I didn’t have their address, and what is worse, forgot their family name. I tried searching on the internet by their first names, town, host-father’s occupation, but to no avail. 

Last month, the name “Sa○○○” popped out from my head, and there he was! I found the boy I had been looking for! He isn’t a boy anymore because he looked as old as I am now. He used to have fair hair, but it looked darker andmuch thinner. His name and hometown were the same, and he had his father and sister on his contact list. I found the host-mother’s name, but her family name was different, and his little brother didn’t seem to have an account. I wonder what happened to them. I was excited to find them at last, but hesitant to send a message. The parents must have divorced, and I don’t know whether his little brother is alive. Almost all young people in America seem to have an account on Facebook. I fear the worst scenario. 

I’m wondering if it’s OK to send a message to the boy for the first time in 20 years. Isn’t it creepy if someonesearches for me on the internet and sends a message? Will he think that I have an ulterior motive to have contact with him all of a sudden? Or is he active on Facebook andfinds my message? Or worse, what if he forgot about me? I contemplated for almost 2 weeks and resolved to send a short message to him. It will hurt if he ignores me, but I hope it won’t taint the fond memory I want to carry for the rest of my life.

カテゴリー: 英作文 タグ: , パーマリンク

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