英検1級二次スピーキング対策 Species extinction.

Species extinction・・・ a natural process?
 I don’t think species extinction is a natural process. The rate of extinction nowadays is 1,000 times faster than that of the norm the normal rate. I think the acceleration of the species extinction is caused by humans.

  First, deforestation is one of the biggest causes of species extinction. People cut down trees to get timbers and burn down forests to cultivate farmlands. A lot of animals are displaced and their lives are endangered outside the forest.

  Second, the rise of temperature makes it difficult for many species to adapt to the environment properly. It is said that 20~30% of species could die out if global average temperature rise more than 2 degrees Celsius. This rise of temperature is caused by carbon emissions and humans are responsible for this.

  Third, nonnative species brought by humans affect the local ecosystem. These species are invasive to the original ecosystem and drive native species away. This is one of the examples of species extinction caused by human.

  For these reasons, mankind is responsible for species extinction. If biodiversity is lost, it will wreak havoc on the ecosystem. Natural processes such as the pollination of crops, the purification of water, and the sequestration of carbon in soil and forests will be lost accordingly. We should protect the environment to eliminate the threat to the endangered species.


カテゴリー: 英検1級 タグ: , パーマリンク

英検1級二次スピーキング対策 Species extinction. への6件のフィードバック

  1. Magnum160411 のコメント:

    もしよければ私のブログ内私書箱にご連絡ください。(2008.11.02 22:16:34)

  2. Capt.K のコメント:

    う~ん、人によって違うんだな~と思いました。(2008.11.02 23:26:35)

  3. yuka.c のコメント:

    一次合格おめでとうございます。on-purpuseと老人と海のbookclubで一緒だった(間違えてたらごめんなさい)yukaです。2次も自信をもっていけばきっとうまくいくと思います!(2008.11.03 01:31:07)

  4. yukoxoxo2000 のコメント:

     2次試験頑張りましょうね。(2008.11.03 06:20:04)

  5. yukoxoxo2000 のコメント:

    キャプテンKさん、環境トピックは頻出なので是非押さえておきたいところですよね~。ディスカッションではお互いの得意分野を生かして意見交換できるので助かってます。(2008.11.03 06:22:17)

  6. yukoxoxo2000 のコメント:

    (2008.11.03 06:25:27)

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