

We decorate rice cake cakes as an offering for God in on the 28th of December. This rice cake is called Kagamimochi. Kagamimochi contains  two sets of round rice cakes, which are layered.  An orange is put on top of the rice cakes. This orange means generation, which we hope for our thriving will cause us to thrive.

My grandparents used to make rice cake cakes at home. To make hand-made rice cake cakes, we have to prepare rice with a mortar and pestle. Men pound the rice with the pestle while the women turn the rice with their hands. These This action should be done rhythmically, otherwise the pestle hits the women’s hands. To make rice cake cakes at home had been was a big event at the end of the year in Japan. However, most families include including mine buy ready-made rice cakes these days.

On the 11th ofa January, we break the Kagamimochi with a hammer, and eat rice cakes with a sweet porridge of beans. Knife should be avoided to cut the Kagamimochi The Kagamimochi should not be cut with a knife, because the rice cake is an offering for the God. To cut Cutting the rice cake with a knife will bring us a bad luck.



カテゴリー: 英作文 パーマリンク

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