

2月6日のディスカッションテーマは” Is spirituality losing its importance in modern society?” でした。これは試験本番だったら絶対選ばないだろうなぁ。スピリチュアリティって何!とパニックにおちいりそうです。話が抽象的なのでスピーチを組み立てにくそうな雰囲気。とはいえ、英検スピーチのためのディスカッションなので、メンバーさんが敢えて選んでくれたようです。

Spirituality was highly regarded by ancient people. Human beings began to have various kinds of rituals to channnel channel with spiritual things. They believed in spiritual beigns beings. Acording According to the advances in science, people  seem to lose faith in spirituality. I have two reasons to explain my opinion.

First, people think there is little phenomenun are few phenomenons that science can’t explain it’s mechanism. Channeling to another world or revelation of God is thought to be implausible nowadays. People prefer logical thinking to sensuous feeling. Spirituality is full of mysterious phenomenon phenomenons, and is losing it’s importance because of these reasons.

Second, people are too busy to think about spirituality these days. There is  lots of work to do, interesting TV programmes to watch, and  other time consuming activities. To have spirituality in our daily life lives, we have to save some time to think quietly. Some people may have enough time to meditate and get inspiration, but for ordinary people, it will be difficult to be spiritual in our daily life.

In conclusion, spirituality seems to have lost its momentum in modern society. This doesn’t mean people have lost interest in spirituality, but we don’t pay much attention to spirituality because of our modern life styles.

初めてaとtheを間違わなかった記念すべき作文なのに、今度はスペルミスがちらほら 残念~。


Japanese alter

”それならアメリカにもあるわよ!” と言ってみせてくれた画像がこれ↓


”居間にある、テレビを入れる棚ね!こちらではEntertainment center furnitureっていうのよ。”   (゚O゚; え~っ! 確かに似てるけど仏壇にテレビをいれちゃいけないんだよ~。もともと相手の概念にないものを言葉で説明するって難しいです!

カテゴリー: 英会話 タグ: パーマリンク

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