LingQ 英作文 2/5


What are our chances of finding exraterrestrial life?

If life were to exist somewhere in universe, Mars is the most likely the candidate. There might be a chance that we can find extraterrestrial life in the future.

There is a possibility of ice existing underneath the surface of Mars. Water is thought to be prerequisite to the development of carbon-based  life. If water exists, some kind of organism can survive.

The Environment on Mars is too harsh for us to survive. The temperature is minus below 60 degrees Celsius, there is not enough oxygen nor atmospheric pressure. Human beings can’t  survive on Mars more than a minute without a spacesuit. However, some  kinds of organisms called extremophiles can live under the these extreme conditions. Some of them thrive at temperatures more than above 100 degrees Celsius or live in acidic or alkaline conditions. Others can live in sea vents, volcanos, or at high altitude. Some organisms do not even require oxygen. If  these organisms can live in such extreme conditions, they can live on  Mars as well.

Other than Mars, there might be living organisms on in another solar system. I don’t think there is another creature like human humanoid creature in this universe. Because The reason for this is that for human beings the  planet needs to be in the appropriate distance from the sun. Otherwise, the planets are too hot like Mercury and Venus or too cold like Mars  and Jupiter. Our universe is so huge that it is impossible to  investigate another solar system. The chance might be slim, but we  can’t deny the possibility.

extreme lifeと呼ばれる過酷な環境で生きる生物のお話が英検1級リスニングの過去問にあったので、今回のディスカッション中に火星で生きられる可能性のある生物として例に挙げてみました。英検の長文やリスニングはトピックの範囲が広範なので、出来ればいろんな雑誌や本を読んで背景知識を仕入れておきたいですよね。 私の英検対策は、広い分野でたくさんの背景知識を英語で仕込むことが目標でした。実生活に役立たないムダ知識ですが、ディスカッション中のネタにはなるので結構役立っています。実生活で役立てようとすると、うんちくになりそうでちょっとイヤかも・・・。

カテゴリー: 英作文 タグ: , パーマリンク

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