


I have decided to go on a diet again. I have been on a diet for so long, it becomes my lifework. I’ve heard that 95% of diets dooms to fail, I think I’d be better educate myself to sustain my diet. As I am hooked on learning English now, I have started learning health issues in English. Here is a summary of what I learned about fat and obesity this week.

The word “Globesity” is coined because obesity is a global issue. In  US, more than 30% adults are considered to be fat, Mexico and UK is are the second heaviest countries in the world whose where obesity rates are more than 20%. In Japan the  obesity rate is merely 3%, but the number has been increasing. The  author of The Tipping Point, Malcolm Gladwell mentioned in his book  that “fat is the new race”, as the number of the obese people has been  increasing all over the world.

Some people say that to be obese is  an individual’s choice, but it inflicts many problems to the society. Obesity can be a risk factor of various kinds of diseases such as heart  diseases, strokes, hypertension, and cancers. The life expectancy  of  obese people will be shortened up to 9 years. Fat raises the level of  estrogen and it will increase breast cancer. It also raises insulin  resistance so that obese people have propensities a higher propensity to develop type 2 diabetes. These diseases cost cause additional health expenditure.

The shortening of life expectancy and discrimination against  fattism  will be a good motive to tackle obesity for me. I’d like to learn more  to keep up a in good condition.


肥満は糖尿病、高血圧、心臓病の他にも癌のリスクにもなるし、最大で9年ほど寿命も縮むそうです。BMIが25以上をover weight, 30以上をobeseと分類していますが、日本では25以上でも太ってる印象ですよね。私はBMIはいいんだけど、体脂肪率が問題です! オーディオブックを聞いて、すっかりFatが憎くなったところで本格的にダイエットを始めるぞ~

カテゴリー: 英作文 タグ: パーマリンク

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