【オーディオブック】Tune In Tokyo: The Gaijin Diaries

Tune In Tokyo: The Gaijin Diaries




オススメ度:4.5 out of 5.

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筆者を悩ませた日本人のおとなしすぎる授業態度は聞いていていたたまれなくなりました・・・。黙れと言われてもしゃべり続けるアメリカ人と違って、日本人のグループレッスンでは個別に指名しないと返事さえ返ってきません。How are you?とクラスに話しかけても一言も返ってこず、見つめられるのみ・・・。このエピソードを聞いている時は、「本当にスミマセン・・・」と今さら筆者に謝りたい気分になりました。







Tune In Tokyo:The Gaijin Diaries

YL:7 (概算)



 Book Review: Tune In Tokyo: The Gaijin Diaries

I listened to an audiobook, “Tune in Tokyo,” written by an American guy from North Carolina who stayed in Japan for two years to teach English. When things didn’t work out well for him in the U.S., he decided to come to Japan, because he thought that speaking American English was an asset, not a liability. He was an aspiring writer, but actually, he had to work as a waiter and a part-time English teacher at the Berlitz English school in the U.S.


He was assigned to Yokohama NOVA School, one of the biggest English school chains in Japan. Most of his students were extremely low-level adult students so that he tended to drop articles and prepositions to make his sentences extra simple. When he talked about the past, he actually looked over his shoulder, and when he talked about the future, he looked into the far distance. When he talked about music, he cupped his ear with his hand. As he gave seven classes a day, he couldn’t stop gesturing even when he talked with native English speakers.


Being able to speak American English is an asset in Japan as he had mentioned; however, it isn’t enough to be an English teacher. The author witnessed his American colleague teaching incorrect grammar to students. Moreover, there was a disturbing episode that revealed the shady quality of the English “teacher.”


Ron from Philadelphia was supposed to have arrived before his teaching job was started. He was late by several weeks without any excuses, and when he arrived, he was completely drunk. It isn’t illegal to be drunk in public in Japan. One day, a policemen escorted him to his apartment because he was stoned on the road. The author described that it was as if someone took off a drunk who was sipping alcohol from a brown paper bag on the road, and sent him to Japan without explaining anything to him. Of course this wasn’t true; Ron applied for the job, and the HR person in Boston had interviewed him. Eventually, Ron was shipped off to America before he began to work. Good riddance!


This book gave us interesting insights into an English teacher’s life in Japan.The author expressed frustration about being forced to be polite and encouraging all the time, and not having meaningful conversations with students. Japanese students were too passive in their classrooms; they didn’t utter a word unless they were addressed individually. That made him crazy. I felt sorry for him; I know what English classrooms are like. We are just trying to be polite by listening quietly; we are supposed to listen in the classroom.


I thoroughly enjoyed this book, and I definitely recommend this book to my fellow English learners. It was interesting to know what English teachers really had in their minds under the façade of politeness in classrooms; this book will change our attitudes the next time we attend English conversation classes.





カテゴリー: ノンフィクション タグ: , , , パーマリンク

【オーディオブック】Tune In Tokyo: The Gaijin Diaries への2件のフィードバック

  1. kov2057 のコメント:


    • yuko のコメント:

      クラスに向けてHow are you?と言われても、声を揃えて”Fine thank you, and you?” と言うか、黙っちゃうパターンよね。

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