
わが町にも定額給付金のお知らせがやってきました。自分で申請しにいかないといけないのでちょっと面倒ですよね。私は定額給付金に反発して”貯金し てやる~!”と息巻いていたのですが、お金を受け取る前にWii Fitを買ってしまいました。英語とダイエットに対してはついお財布のヒモが緩くなってしまう・・・。

 将来、年金が期待できない、医療費 がかかる、老後の資金がたくさん必要などたくさん不安があって、思い切ってお金を消費する気になれません。老後は心配しなくて大丈夫!となったら使うかも しれませんが。定額給付金を配ってお金を使ってもらえるようにすると同時に、将来不安を払拭するような提案をしてくれればいいのに。

 Will the cash handout plan work?

 The Japanese government has decided to give money to all the people to stimulate the economy. The Japanese economy has been  bad since the 90's and it seems to be getting  worse  ever since the global economy went bust. I don't think the cash  handout plan works will work because the  domestic demand is weak because of government policies.

  First, the cash handout plan isn't a long term solution. This  kind of  stimulus plan needs a lot of money and will sooner or later collapse. Although  it will have certain stimulus effects on the economy for the short period of time, Japan need needs a sustainable long-term growth.

  Second, our government must introduce structural reforms first rather  than hand out money. Unstable employment and lay-offs are urgent problems now.  As the recession goes continues, there will be more  jobless workers. The current working system makes our society unstable. The government should  spend  money to reinforce  the  social structure to secure our lives.

  Third, an  inadequate safety net is one of the biggest reasons why Japanese people  don't  want to spend money. Savings have  remained high while domestic consumption is being suppressed. Because of the  inadequate safety nets, Japanese people need to hoard money for their children's upbringing, health care, and for their pension. Governments should establish better safety nets so that we don't have to save money for the future. 

  In conclusion, the cash handout alone isn't enough to stimulate the  current economy. The government should have provided us the long-term vision at the same time. By  introducing structural reforms as well as reinforcing social safety  nets, the Japanese economy will begin to recover from  recession.



  • Main idea: I don't think it works.
  • Reason1: It isn't a long term solution.
  • Reason2: Our government must introduce structual reforms.
  • Reason3: Inadequate safty net is one of the biggest reason why Japanese people don't want to spend money.
  • Conclusion: Japan needs long term economic stimulus package along with cash handout plan.



カテゴリー: 英作文 タグ: パーマリンク

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