Are formal language tests a waste of time?

 金曜のLingQディスカッションのテーマは”Are formal language tests a waste of time?”。英検やTOEICを受けることの是非については色々意見が分かれるところなので、参加をと~っても楽しみにしていたのですが、今回イギリスでサマータイムが始まったことをすっかり失念してしまい・・・時間を間違えてすっぽかしてしまいました~ 残念すぎる!


Are formal language tests a waste of time?

 There is controversy as to whether taking formal language tests improves students' ability language proficiency. I don't think taking the formal language tests is a waste of time as it has two main benefits for students.

   Firstly, the their ability to use the language will improve by preparing for the tests. Language tests impose evaluate various kinds of skills. It will be good for the students to cover practice all the skills needed because it will give the students them the opportunity to overcome their weaknesses.

   Second ly, it enables us to evaluate our skills objectively. It is difficult to know what our weak points are. To use foreign languages properly, speaking, writing, grammar, pronunciation and reading skills will be needed. To analyse Analysing the test results will help students to realise what to do to strengthen their language abilities.

   Thirdly, it having to sit a language test on a given date helps students to keep motivated. To impose Imposing deadline and assignments will stir increase student's incentive to study. To pass Passing the language exams gives students the joy of learning. Even if they fail, these tests will give them aspirations to study more.

  In conclusion, formal language tests help students to improve their language abilities by devoting a certain amount of time to prepare, analyzing students' skills and  generating motivation. Although to take the language exams seems ordeal feels like an ordeal, take taking ittry as a good opportunity to improve and trying to make the best of it is a good attitude to learn learning.

カテゴリー: 英作文 タグ: パーマリンク

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