A Message from Lincoln?

  Life is full of surprises, especially if you are a Postcrossing member. I’ve been enjoying exchanging postcards with strangers for about 7 months, and one of the weirdest things happened this week.


  I’ve been watching History videos on Khan Academy for a while. I started out with the French Revolution, and then proceeded to American history. I watched “Jamestown to the Civil War” and “Lincoln’s Assassination” this week. I learned that Lincoln played an important role in the Civil War, but he couldn’t make it to the end of the war. What is more, this week’s book club chapter addressed “Presidents Day”, by chance. We read that Presidents Day was enacted to honor the birthdays of Washington and Lincoln. How timely it was to stumble upon Lincoln twice in one week!


So, you could imagine how spooked I was when I found a postcard that depicts Lincoln in my mailbox later on that week. The gaunt, monochrome Lincoln really freaked me out! The American lady who sent me the postcard explained that she chose that particular card because he is important. The chance of receiving the Lincoln postcard in that timeframe would be astronomically small considering the fact that according to the Postcrossing statistics, 335,374 postcards are travelling at this exact moment, and most of them are scenic ones.


I can’t help but think that this was Lincoln’s doing. He must have had something to get through to me, otherwise, he wouldn’t have bothered to visit my mailbox all the way beyond time and space. I tried hard to decipher the message, but to no avail, so instead, I decided to read a book about him. It might be like the “Jesus on a Tortilla” thing, but why not make the most of the opportunity? Life is full of fun and surprises when we are open to new possibilities. 


This is the postcard… Isn’t he a little bit spooky? 

Postcrossing にまつわる不思議な偶然。先月からKhan Academy で、歴史のビデオを見始めたのですが、先週ちょうど南北戦争、リンカーンの暗殺についてのレッスンでした。そしてその週のBook Clubでは、偶然にもBill BrysonのエッセイでPresident Dayというアメリカの休日についてのチャプターでした。これは、ジョージ・ワシントンとリンカーンの誕生月である2月の第三月曜日をPresident Dayと定めて歴代の大統領の功績を祝うというもの。
 何か運命のようなものを勝手に感じてしまったので、今年はリンカーンについての本を3冊ほど読んでみることにしました。きっかけは偶然だけど、リンカーンが与えてくれたチャンス(?)を利用しない手はないでしょう。この話をLingQのじりさ先生にしたら、ちょうどKilling Lincolnという本を読んでいるところでした。第4の偶然。とりあえず、子供向けのPenguinシリーズで簡単な自伝を読んでから、普通の自伝、リンカーンの暗殺を扱った本、と進んでいきたいと思います。余裕があれば南北戦争の本まで。
カテゴリー: Postcrossing タグ: , パーマリンク

A Message from Lincoln? への1件のコメント

  1. ピンバック: yukoxoxo2000
