
今更ながら、新年の抱負です。先週、ブッククラブ仲間と新年の目標について話しあう機会があったのですが、すでに今年の目標が何だったか思い出せないことに愕然としました… しっかり書き留めて、時々見返さないとね! というわけで、英語で書いてここに残しておきます。

New Year’s Resolution

It’s January 23th, and I already forgot what my New Year’s Resolutions were. I had an opportunity to talk about New Year’s Resolutions with my friends the other day in a discussion. Making New Year’s Resolutions is important, but keeping up with them matters most. I reconsidered my new New Year’s Resolutions yesterday and wrote them down here as a future reminder for myself.

1. I want to speak English more fluently. My English is not sufficient to describe exactly what I intend to say. I want to speak more naturally. I’ll watch English dramas to acquire authentic conversations this year.

2. Keeping an English diary is a challenging task for me so far. I wrote 70 English essays last year. Although writing English essays was good to improve my writing, it was difficult to find time to write. I want to write more casual ones this year.

3. As for my work, I want to attend an international conference this year. To achieve this goal, I have to submit a presentation and need to be accepted. My work is way too far from completion, but I will work hard to be on time.

4. Eating right seems easy to accomplish, but it’s difficult for me. I live on chocolates when I’m stressed out. A proper meal is the first thing to be sacrificed when I am pressed for time. I have to remind myself of the fact that I am sacrificing my future well being by doing it.

5. Exercise regularly. It’s hard to find time to exercise, though I feel good and refreshed after exercise. I need to go to the gym at least once a week this year.

As I was writing this, new ideas came to my mind one after another. I’ll check this essay occasionally and see if I’m sticking to my plan.

カテゴリー: 英作文 パーマリンク

新年の抱負 への4件のフィードバック

  1. あきやん のコメント:


    • yukomillennium のコメント:

       日曜夜のグループディスカッションは続いてますよ。デビッド先生、12月末から2回連続で忘れんぼだったのよ!? ぎゃーと怒りたいところだったけど、なんとかYさんになだめられてこれまで続いています。でびっど先生もこれ以上忘れるとマズイと思ったのか、それ以後はとってもいい人です。最近はヴァルデマさん以外のドイツ人さんが参加してます。2月も設定してもらうから、参加出来るときは是非参加してくださいね〜。

  2. yuka のコメント:



    • yukomillennium のコメント:

      yukaさんへ。あくまでも目標は高く…ですよ。あんまり気にしないで (´∀`*)


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