Minimalist Art


ドイツの女性から送られてきたのは、犬とサッカーボールが描かれたポストカード。ちょうどそのころFIFAのワールドカップがあり、”ドイツは負けちゃったけど、日本チームはすごく良かった!”と書かれていました。イタリアの男性からは、ミランにある大聖堂の写真のカード。私がプロフィールにCathedral のポストカードが好きと書いたためだと思います。彼の奥さんが日本に住んでいたことがあり、私の住む街にもしばらく住んでいたということで、Postcrossingによる偶然の巡り合わせで手紙を書くことが出来てうれしい、と日本語と英語混じりで書かれていました。




Keikoさんが紹介してくれた記事、The Lost Art of Postcard Writing に、ポストカードはminimalist artであると書かれていました。送り主がどういった絵柄を選ぶか、限られたスペースでいかに印象的なことを書くか。Minimalist Artとは言い得て妙だなと思いました。

When I got home from Hokkaido, I found two postcards from Postcrossing. They were from Germany and Italy.

The person from Germany sent me a postcard with a dog and a soccer ball. She must have chosen the card because the FIFA Women’s World Soccer Games are held in her country. She wrote that the German team lost the game against the Japanese team, but she admitted that the Japanese team was much better. She wrote that she is also a big fan of audiobooks. I felt a warm feeling sweep over me from the card. It was amazing we could share common experience by postcard.

The other postcard was from a man near Milan. He wrote several Japanese words in that postcard. His wife happened to live in Japan for two years, and she also stayed in our city. She liked my city a lot, and they were glad that they had a chance to write a person related to her fond memory. He chose a card with a magnificent cathedral on it. He was kind enough to choose the card for me because I wrote in my profile that I love cathedrals. Ever since I read “The Pillars of the Earth”, I am fascinated by cathedrals. It’s amazing how ancient people built the elaborate buildings without machines. It must have been a tremendous amount of work to cut stones, carry them to the building site, and pile them up with perfect precision. I’m grateful to receive postcards with cathedral’s pictures from all over the world, because I won’t have a chance to visit every cathedral on earth.

I feel the world becomes closer as someone far from my city has something in common, shares feelings, or tells about their lives on postcards.




カテゴリー: Postcrossing タグ: , パーマリンク

Minimalist Art への2件のフィードバック

  1. しば のコメント:


    私は「はがき」はじめ、snail mail そのものをしなくなってしまったけど、はがきって、ほんと芸術だと思います。


    • yuko のコメント:

      こんばんは! Postcrossing, いいですよ〜。本当は中高生にも勧めたいんですけどね。ちょっとした国際交流をきっかけとして、世界に興味を持つきっかけになると思います。


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