New Year’s Resolutions

The  New year is a time when we reflect on ourselves and set new goals. I  started to make New Year’s Resolutions in 2006. To study English was one of the New Year’s Resolutions in 2006. I have been studying English since then.

I have decided to  proclaim my goals to some of my friends this year. I read several  self-help books this year, and they recommend writing our goals  on  paper, or to proclaim our goals to friends. It will enable us to fulfill our goals. Besides, I made friends from English discussion   groups. It seems a good idea to share dreams with them.

My  goal for English study is to improve writing. To improve my writing,  I will write 100 English articles next year. These articles include  essays, a diary, and summaries of interesting articles. I have to write at least 2 articles a week  to accomplish this task. Next, I’d like to read 30 English books a  year. I have achieved this goal last year. This task was challenging,  but it has brought me tremendous benefits to acquire natural English  phrases. Besides, reading is just fun and it enriches my everyday  life.

Next, my goal for everyday life is to eat properly  and to exercise regularly. I always set this goal, although I forget  as soon as the New Year holiday is over. To maintain a healthy body  and mind is my first priority this year. I will eat brown rice and  fruits everyday. I will walk at least once a week.

It  will sound presumptuous, but I’d like to make a presentation at an  international academic conference in two years’ time. To carry out research takes a long time, and I often lose sight of my target. To attend an  international conference will be a strong incentive for carrying out  my research.

These goals will be a good motive to keep going.  I’ll try my best to fulfill these goals next year.

カテゴリー: 英作文 パーマリンク

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