Love for Bathing



Love for Bathing

There are some reasons that we Japanese enjoy longevity. Drinking green tea, and healthy meals are good, but above all, bathing in a hot bath tub is the most likely activity to contribute to our long lives.

I visited a hot spring last Sunday. Hot springs are abundant all over Japan. The hot spring I visited offers unique bathing. It has a ceramic sand bath, bedrock bath, as well as an ordinary hot spring.

Bedrock bathing is popular in Japan. A bed made of rock generates far infrared ray when heated. We lay on the stone bed in a dimly-lit sauna room for 30 to 60 minutes. Sweat comes out of our body profusely. It helps our body to squeeze out waste materials with sweat.

Ceramic bathing is a kind of new innovation. Tens of thousands of heated stones, 2 to 3 mm in diameter, filla bath tab. We bury ourselves entirely into the ceramic sands except our nostrils. The sudorific effect caused by the far infrared ray and the heaviness of the ceramic sands were incredible. Ten minutes of bathing in the sands seems to have drained all the sweat out of my body.

Bathing is good for our health. It is not only for cleanliness, but has physical and psychological effects on our bodies. Dilation of blood vessels reduces blood pressure and increases cardiac output which improves the flow of blood. It also relaxes the automatic nerves.

We lounge in a hot bath tub in our houses. The love for hot springs makes us travel in pursuit of good bathing. Thus, I believe that our love of bathing is the leading reason for our long healthy lives in our country.


カテゴリー: ただの日記 パーマリンク

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