【オーディオブック】Red Rising/レッド・ライジング―火星の簒奪者

Red Rising(2013) 邦訳版レッド・ライジング―火星の簒奪者

Written by: Pierce Brown

Narrated by: Tim Gerard Reynolds




オススメ度:4 out of 5














Book review: Red Rising



A 16-year-old Darrow is a miner on Mars. He engages in dangerous work to mine helium-3 from the planet’s core. Earth is dying, and his mission as a Mars pioneer is to collect enough helium-3 to make Mars’s atmosphere breathable. The pioneers are called “The Reds.”


They endure insufferable living conditions to save humankind; they are humanity’s last hope. Or so he believed until one day, his wife is brutally executed by Mars governor. Darrow discovers that what he had believed in his whole life was a lie. Humankind left the Earth 700 years ago, and Mars has been habitable for 500 years. Democracy is banned throughout the universe, and a class of people who call themselves “The Golds” have ruled Mars for generations. The Reds are forced into slavery not knowing that there is an advanced society on the surface of Mars.


With help from a dissident group, he disguises himself as a Gold, and infiltrates a prestigious command school as a deep cover agent. His mission is to take down the autocracy from the inside.


My thoughts:

Red Rising, the first installment in the Red Rising Trilogy, is Pierce Brown’s debut novel. This book is highly recommended on Goodreads and Audible. That was why I decided to try this fantasy novel.


I like the settings. The main characters are well developed. People are born into a certain color suggesting a caste system: Reds are miners, Yellows work in medical care, Pinks are sex slaves, Grays are mercenaries, and Golds are the ruling class. These social classes are fixed for generations, and people even change their eye color according to their classes. Low-level colors work for Golds. The society is corrupt, and people suffer from injustice inflicted by Golds.


Darrow is determined to get his revenge on Golds; however, as he infiltrates the command school as a mole, he comes to know Gold children. The majority of them are arrogant, but some are good at heart. Golds are trained to rule, and taught to trample on low-colors; but some of them can change if they are led by a decent person such as Darrow.


As I continued to read Darrow’s struggle to raise the school’s hierarchy, I gradually connected with him. The storyline is not perfect; there were several situations that I felt should be clarified, but the story was dynamic enough to make me keep reading.


I love Darrow’s coming-of-age story. This book is mix of a dystopian novel, Sci-Fi, and fantasy. I enjoyed every element of these genres. I’m currently reading the sequel to this book, and the writing gets better. This book is a good start to the trilogy. I really want to know how this grand epic story concludes next year.



Red Rising (The Red Rising Trilogy, Book 1)

YL: 8(概算)





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