その後、日本の喫煙事情から無理やり医療ドラマ→目的のイギリスドラマの話へ。先生に是非聞いてみたかったのは、イギリスドラマの発音のこと。初めて見たイギリスドラマのMerlinでは、あまり発音は気にならなかったのですが、その後Doctor Who, Torchwoodと現代ドラマを見るようになって、普段オーディオブックやBBCニュースで聞く英語とはだいぶ違うと感じました。エイの発音がアイに発音されていたり、t が脱落していたり‥。Beautifulがビューイフルと発音されているのには驚きました。レイチェル先生によると、ちょっとコックニー訛りなのでは?ということでした。BBCドラマばかり見ているのでうつってしまいそうですが、真似をしないように、とのことです。
Your pronunciation was very clear except for the exceptions above. Don’t worry too much about minor errors as I think fluency and communication are far more important. At no point do I have any difficulty understanding you and I think that you are very inspiring.
Discussion summary.
This is a summary of today’s conversation. I also did some research on today’s topic and added what I wanted to sayduring the conversation.
We talked about smoking in Japan. When I was asked about the smoking rate in Japan, I forgot the exact number and answered that the female smoking rate is among 10% to 20%. The correct statistics are 11.9% for women, and 38.9% for men, and the overall average rate is 21.8%. Although, the number of smokers has been decreasing gradually considering the fact that the highest smoking rate was 83.7% in 1966, Japan has the 5th highest smoking rate in the world. One of the reasons for the relatively high smoking rate is that the price for tobacco is cheaper compared with other countries. The price of a packet of tobacco used to be 300 yen (2.5 pound), and increased to 410 yen last year, it is still less than half the price of England’s. Lenient regulation of advertisement might be another reason for the high smoking rate. Several years ago the Japanese government made a new law to require an ID card to purchase tobacco from vending machines to prevent teenagers from smoking, I hope men’s smoking rate will also decline over time.
Then, I asked about pronunciation of BBC dramas. I realized that the pronunciation of heroines in BBC dramas is different from BBC News. Rose Tyler in Dr. Who pronounced ei as ai, and she said beauiful without t sound instead of beautiful. You told me that it was a Londoner’s accent, and it would be better for me not to acquire the accent. English people don’t want their children to have any dialects or accent. (Or did you say the least thing mothers want for their children is dialect or accent? ) It’s still good for me to watch the drama and understand different dialects for my English study.