お気に入りのインターネットラジオ番組 “To The Best of Our Knowledge”、通称TTBOOKにメールを出してみました。ウィスコンシン公共ラジオの番組で、本の著者を招いてインタビューを行う番組です。週2回配信で、毎回テーマにそって3−4人の著者がインタビューされています。面白そうな本を選ぶ際の参考になるし、本を読まなくても、作者が本のエッセンスを語ってくれるので、色々な分野の面白い話が聞けます。ここのインタビュアーで、ジム・フレミングさんという方がいらっしゃるのですが、とっても素敵なのです。声もいいし、話し方もよい。難しい問題を嫌味なく聞き出す様子も好き。英語学習友にも勧めたいのですが、スクリプトがなかったのがネックでした。
I sent an email to a radio program called “To The Best of Our Knowledge”, an internet radio program produced by Wisconsin Public Radio, to see if it was OK to share their scripts on LingQ. I happened to find this program when I was searching for a podcast for my English study in 2008, and I became a huge fan of this program. In this program, the host invites several book authors to discuss their books. It helped me a lot to find good books to read, and their intellectual conversations inspired me to learn about various topics related to the books. Besides, I love the interviewer’s voice, the way he talks, and how he asks difficult questions without offending the author.
I recommended this program to my fellow English learners before, but the contents seemed difficult for ESL students to understand without transcripts. Then, I realized that some of the new episodes have transcripts on the website. I thought it would be helpful to other people if we could share their transcripts and MP3 recordings on LingQ. As I couldn’t find a copyright statement on the website, I decided to ask for permission by email. I was hesitant to send an email for fear of being ignored or rejected, but even if the reply would be disappointing, I could still use the downloaded materials without violating copyright infringement if I used them for personal use only. I wrote about how I came to know their program, how much I appreciated it, and how helpful it was not only for my English study but also for my life along with the permission request. I didn’t know who to send my email to, so I addressed the email to the editor of the program.
Several days later, I received a reply from the program. To my astonishment, it was from Mr. Jim Fleming, the host of the program whom I admire so much! Although, I couldn’t get permission to use the transcripts and MP3s on LingQ, the email made my day. He wrote that they are glad to know that I am listening to their program and enjoying it so much. I am soooo excited that he wrote me back, and felt extremely happy that I had a good opportunity to tell them about my appreciation of the program.
当時は英語が早すぎてちんぷんかんぷんでした(笑 今ならもう少し聞けるようになってるかな?(だと良いなあ)