2006年9月からリスニング時間をカウントしています。2月で800時間になりました。8~9割がAudibleでダウンロードしたオーディオブック多聴、1~2割がオンライン英語 LingQからの精聴です。最初はなかなか聞き取れなくて息を潜めて聴いてみたり、むやみに音量を上げたりしてましたが、100時間を超えた頃から、ニュースやナレーションなどが格段に聞きやすくなったと自覚しています。
Enjoy fantasies.
I enjoyed a home-stay program during summer vacation when I was fourteen years old. It was so fascinating that I wanted to go abroad to study English when I was a high school student. I thought that going abroad was the best way to study English. The dream did not come true because my parents did not approve of my plan. I majored in science in college and I forgot the idea for a while.
I am satisfied with my current job and I do not want to go abroad just to study English anymore. However, I sometimes regret that I gave up the idea of studying abroad.
I have been studying English for two years now. I came up with the idea of counting listening time instead of going abroad. I have been counting my listening time when I listened to English podcasts, audio books, BBC radio, and LingQ materials from the beginning. My listening time amounts to eight hundred hours now. I estimated that if I were abroad and studied English, I would listen to English for ten or twelve hours a day. I divided my listening time by 12, and I assumed that I studied abroad for 66 days. I hope that my listening time has the equivalent efficacy as well as going abroad. I know the efficiency is not exactly the same, but the imagination encourages me to keep listening!
(2008.03.02 06:58:13)
(2008.03.02 20:32:19)
さて、Audibleですが、オットがAudio Bookにめざめまして入会を検討中です。yukoxoxo2000さんはiPodをお使いですか?私たちはソニー,Cowonというマイナーなmp3なんです。Audibleに対応していなさそう…。もうすこしサイトを調べます。(2008.05.17 09:08:57)
Audibleとipodは相性いいですよね!Download Managerで簡単にダウンロードできますし。Download Managerは何種類かあって、Mp3もいくつか選べるみたいですよ。(2008.05.29 21:03:59)
ピンバック: The Glad Game > リスニング2500時間経過
ピンバック: The Glad Game > リスニング4000時間雑感:脳の翻訳機能